I am changing my website because I can't figure out how to get rid of the back ground I chose. I am starting over those that follow my blog I will email you the new address, see you soon during thanksgiving break!

Yes it's snow in southern arizona

Yes it's snow in southern arizona

Sunday, November 9, 2008

This last week Jason had almost 6 days off a record for him, so we decided to go to the river. It was great fun! Everyone got muddy and we lost a shoe wading across the river that some call a stream. The kids acted like it was a day at the beach. They dug in the mud and made sand castles in the island in the middle. Jason was fishing for catfish. When he got one the kids were completely overcome with happiness, then the fish croaked at them. I told them that it was asking them to put it back and whoever did would get a wish, so we wrote another kids story to add to our collection. I will post the story tomorrow! It was a great day for our family. I'm going to try to post some of the pictures, knowing the girls will be angry with me, they were all in their underwear for the trip! Someday they will forgive me!

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Mt.Graham the kids

Mt.Graham the kids

Rachel and Sadie love to play

Rachel and Sadie love to play